* Consultations and empowerment of issue stakeholders in developing a national water awareness strategy. (West Bank/Gaza, 1994)
* Provided public communication advisory and support services to the National Reconstruction Bureau of the government of Pakistan in support of national democratization process. (Pakistan, 2000)
* Production of a national water conservation awareness television campaign and public information strategy. (Egypt, 1994)
* Represented Government of Canada in Middle-East Peace Process Working Group on Water Resources (MWGWR) public awareness strategy development workshop. (Athens, 1998)
* Provided viability assessment and business planning for the creation and operation of an educational joint-venture technical training centre between colleges in Canada and China. (China, 1999)
* Developed and initiated a joint partnership training capacity building project involving hotel industry associations and university/ college partnerships. (Mexico, 1999)
* Delivered NGO Communication Training Workshops on Social Marketing and Public Communication Techniques and Issue Management. (Ukraine, 1997)
* Provided senior consultation and coordination of public awareness training for Eastern Caribbean Education Reform Program (ECERP). (Windward Islands, 1998)
* Production of a nationally- recognized tourism industry awareness program. Initiation of government-industry co-operative advertising and direct marketing tourism campaigns. (Canada, 1989)
* Hosted Ukrainian Journalist Study-Visit to Canada, 1997
* Establishment of a management training program for rural agricultural extension department. (Botswana 1977)
* Initiation of a province-wide public community computer information network. (Canada, 1995)
* Audition of government communication production and extension programming services and design of a commercialization strategy. (Egypt, 1993)
* Establishment of health care advocacy and community services consultations. (Canada, 1993)
* Conducted Public Relations and Media Management Workshops for NGOs and government departments. (Ukraine and Caribbean, 1997)
* Design and coordination of development programming for a major international aid organization.
* Promotion of a new tourism marketing products using on-line computer communications.
* Development and publishing of a Communication and Consultation Resource Manual and organization of related Public Relations training sessions.
* Publication of an NGO Communications Training Manual...guidelines for effective lobbying, partnerships, public awareness campaigns and creative communication design and production.
* Original thesis on 'Public Policy Implications For The Organization Of Government Information Services'.
* Thesis on 'Symbolic Representations' in the language of television news and how they affect perceptions of the Third World. " Why is it 'always bad news' from the Third World?"
Management Team
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